If you are easily offended, look away.
If you are an older relative, look away. I will disappoint you. (Yes Mom, I know exactly what "Your blog is...interesting" means in your email.)
If you find middle school humor boorish or obnoxious, look away.
Remember, we tend to adopt the behaviors of the age group with whom we teach.
Bwahahahaha! Yes, I bought them. They're basically alphabet chocolate cereal surrounded by chocolate coating. Not exciting.
This is better.
In public.
At the train stop.
Yeah, that's a ladder up to a bed with underwear dripping down it.
See where it says "balken biegen" in the upper left hand corner? That translates to "bending beam". I got nothing. BUT, there is what is unmistakenly an unwrapped condom over the little checkbox. Bwah!
Another ad at the same train location is encouraging people to see "The Mouse and the Elephant", a kids play.
Nice! I love it. I have to say, I like the cereal...great way to get my kids to learn the alphabet :)